Worship Times: Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00, Community Groups at 9:45 |  Get Directions »  Watch Live »


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Being men of God does not come easy. Therefore we seek to sharpen iron with iron and build strong, meaningful relationships.  Our goal is to be like the Men of Issachar who understood their times and knew what they should do (1 Chronicles 12:32). Join us at our next event as we live the adventure of becoming men of God.

Men’s Fall Kick-Off Dinner

Join us on Thursday, September 12th at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. We will have dinner, a time of fellowship, and an opportunity to learn what men’s ministry has planned for this semester.  Please register below so we can plan for food numbers.  Thank you!

Men’s Breakfast

Join us for early-morning Men’s Breakfast and Bible study!  We have two Men’s Breakfast series annually, usually lasting 8-10 weeks, beginning in September and January that meet on Wednesday mornings at 6:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. 

Our next Men’s Breakfast series will begin on September 18th.  Tim Kallam will be teaching the series, A Story Worth Telling: The Life of David. We hope you will join us!

Golf Tournament

Our Annual Men’s Golf Tournament takes place in the fall each year.  This year’s tournament will be on September 16th at Inverness Country Club.  Please click below for more info and registration.  

Men’s Monthly Lunches

This semester, we will continue our monthly men’s luncheons in the Fellowship Hall.  Lunch will be provided, and each month we will have a conversation with different men from the church about their faith journey and how the Lord is continuing to work in their lives.  We invite you to join us on the following days at 11:30 am.  No registration is required, just show up!

Fall Lunch Dates:
Thursday, Sept 26th
Thursday, Oct 17th
Thursday, November 14th

Worship Times:  Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am, Community Groups at 9:45 am. 

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